Welcome to our page dedicated to enabling you to have a Video Consultation with us regarding your options in relation to divorce.
The best way to book the Video Consultation is to email Evelyn McMahon, Solicitor who is the solicitor that deals with Divorces and Separation within our office. Her email is evelyn@darcyandco.ie or you can call her on 045 530807.
In order to prepare for the Video Conference, you should consider the following:-
Family Circumstances
What is your occupation and income and that of your husband or wife.
Are you or your spouse in a second relationship.
Will you or your spouse have children living with you if there is a divorce or separation.
Are there any special aspects in relation to the needs of any member of your family.
Family Home
Is the family home jointly owned.
Is there a mortgage and, if so, what amount is outstanding and are there any mortgage difficulties.
Is there any part of the history of the family home involving something like a contribution of a site by one person’s parents.
Marriage History
How long ago did marriage take place and where were you married.
For how long were you and your spouse together before marriage.
Have you lived apart from your spouse and if so for how long.
Are there any premarital agreements or past counselling, mediation or proceedings relating to the marriage.
How many children are there in relation to your marriage and what age are they.
Are all children children of you and your spouse or are there any children involved such as children of a previous relationship or foster children.
Is there any special aspect or requirement in relation to any child involved in the marriage.
Assets (including Pensions) and Loans
What assets do you and your spouse have including buildings and land, business assets and savings.
What loans and mortgages do you and your spouse have.
Are you or your spouse expected to inherit any assets.
What Pensions do you and your spouse have.